Live long and prosper

3 John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers. KJV

3 John 1:2 Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well. NIV

As I have stated in previous blogs…I’m a SYFY/science fiction fan and a major Star Trek fan. In the series of Star Trek there was a race of people called Vulcans and one of the main characters on the show was Mr. Spock who was a Vulcan. On His planet…when departing company they would raise their hand and give a V sign with their fingers which the meant…”Live long and prosper”. I would love to do this in our world but I think people would look at me like I was crazy!

I do want people to live long and prosper.  I wish this on you who are reading this blog today!! I live with a chronic illness and I wish everyone would say this to me all day every day. It would make me feel better just to hear those words. I do think of these words to myself though. To greet someone… like in the scripture verse above and say….”my good friend I know that it is so well with your soul and I pray that your health would be good as good as your soul is!”….would be such a great greeting to hear on a regular basis.

Prosper in this biblical sense means to be well spiritually. In the secular sense it means to be well of financially. The purpose that it’s spoken of in this text is spiritually. If you are prospering spiritually…that is the greatest blessing you can have.

Mathew 6:33 But seek you first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

 If you put the Lord first…everything you need…the Lord will provide so you will prosper. The important point here is that your soul needs to prosper by being in that right place with God through:

1. Obedience to God
2. Prayer and walking with God
3. Bible study and hiding the word in your heart.
 4. 1 Peter 1:16 …Be ye holy; for I am holy.
5. Pray this: Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalms 51:10

I want you to live long and prosper because the longer you live the wiser and more mature in the Lord you are and the world needs a bright light in this dark world. Your light will shine and because of the wisdom you can impart in other people’s lives.   You will be such a blessing in the kingdom of God!!

Does God want us to be in good health? Absolutely!  I want good health too but….if my soul is prospering my health won’t be an issue because my soul is mightier that my health. My well soul and right relationship with the Lord has seen me through every storm and trial in my life. I do pray for good health and I’m thankful for the health I have because things could be worse. My husband and I have made some big changes in our life styles pertaining to our health because we want to give our aging bodies a better outcome by slowing down or preventing physical problems that have and can develop with age.

As far as my soul prospering…it is! Praise the Lord ! My secret is…..I keep my eyes on the Lord!!! I focus on Jesus! I keep my mind on Him! I meditate on the scriptures and remember the Holy Spirits presence in me! I also give my time, talent and treasure to the Lord. In this way…my soul is sure to…prosper.

Message for today: Live Long and prosper in your spirit my brothers and sister in Christ!!!!!!!!!!!!