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Blogging has been very hard for me.  It takes me a really long time to write one.  Read my past blog

So I decided that when I got to 365 blogs which is one years worth… I would stop blogging….forever!  I felt I had enough and I thought people will be bored with me by then.  So right after I hit the 365th day a few weeks ago… my blog got sanctioned by Google and my WordPress stats dropped dramatically from about 200 views a day to 20 a day.  I was devastated and went on help forums, asked family for help and eventually paid 4 people on to try to fix the problem.

After about 3 weeks of this I started praying really hard for answers and I felt God spoke to me.  You see…I didn’t check to see if He wanted me to stop.  After all it was a miracle that with my severe lack of writing skills that my blog is a miracle.  My most popular blogs are…I’m going to kill myself….I am so stupid….and the fullness of God.  People were writing me everyday privately through the sidebar asking for help and prayer.  I was really working for the Lord in this unique way.

When I realized this is how God was using me….I asked God for forgiveness and to restore my blog and He has.

I thought I knew what was good for me.  I thought I knew what I wanted.  When it was taken away….It snapped me back to reality and put me back on the right track.

So….here I am…God speaks…I listen….and share with you!


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