While there is no cause given for Mandisa’s death many knew she suffered from depression. I would like to honor her by taking a few minutes to advocate for something she was passionate about. Mandisa was very public with her struggle which is not easy to admit to the whole world. Many people these days are turning to suicide to relieve their emotional pain. Suicide is also popular with our youth. It’s very difficult to know who is suffering in this way because many people hide their true emotions. They may even put on a happy face to their friends and family.

Suicide to me means that a person has lost all hope and feels totally alone in their heart and mind. There is a saying, “tell me how you really feel!” I wish people suffering like this could.

So, what can we do? Praying about suicide is our best solution. We also need to educate ourselves on signs to watch out for. If you’re a mom or dad pry quietly into your kid’s life as best as you can. For friends ask questions if they seem a little stressed. We should keep a watchful eye on our Christian brothers and sisters, especially those in any type of ministry. But sometimes people are very secretive and there are just no clues at all.

If you are feeling this way yourself, please, please, please, please, please, please find help! I know what I’m talking about.  Many years ago, I had to fight for my mental health. I did get the victory, thank God! Taking your own life is never the answer. When you are in this state of mind it is very hard to advocate for yourself. This is why you need help from an outside source. Take advantage of this free resource: Suicide and Crisis Lifeline; Just Dial 988 on your phone. On line the do have a chat. Hang in there! People do care about you!