Isaiah 46:9–10 Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.’

Sovereignty means supreme power and authority.

Many people are speaking on God’s behalf and questioning God as if they know Him. There is only one way to really know Him and that is limited even if you are a Christian. We Christians only know Him partly. But one day we will know Him as He really is.

1 Corinthians 13:12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

One thing that will amaze us when we finally see Him will be His Holiness and His Mighty Power!

Many people today question Gods actions and Gods motives as if they knew Him. Many people who question why He does or does not do things on earth have not even read the whole bible. You can’t know Him if you haven’t read the bible. You can’t even fully understand the limited information about God if you haven’t accepted His Son Jesus. The Holy Spirit who comes to live inside of a Christian confirms Gods word to a Christian. This is a great advantage and help.

But still people believe they know Him. Even people who say they are Christians question His motives or try to make Him answer their prayer request not respecting His process, His ways and His timing. We MUST respect His Sovereignty!

I wrote a book called “A Layman’s View on the Holiness of God”. It’s on Amazon and not one person has read that book. My other book got many reviews. People don’t want to hear much about His Holiness because it shows us what God is expecting us to be. It also reveals to us information about His wrath. In my book I have a chapter called “God don’t play”. Now that doesn’t sound very theological but it’s a fact.

I wish people would meditate about how powerful He is and take Him very, very seriously. Look around…things on this earth are taking a very fast and serious turn. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone. God is real, hell is real and we are ALL going to die. Some sooner than later. This is Gods world and Gods ways. He can do whatever He wants at any time. It is better to be on His good side. Talk to God and ask Him to set you straight about Himself. Whether you are a Christian or not. It’s time to make sure things are right between you and God.

Yes God is Love and I love that about Him. But He has His way of doing things. HIS WAYS! It’s time to surrender to His ways. Respect HIS PROCESS! I’m telling you this because I care about your life! I could keep my mouth shut…mind my own business and live my life but I truly care about you. I’m 71 now and much of my time on earth is spent. So, I’m trying to spare people heartache and the after you die shock. It will be too late to say…oh no. The Sovereignty of God! Google it, look up the scriptures and be informed.

A new STD is out, the bird flu has spread to humans, the hottest temperatures have been recorded and it’s not even summer yet, inflation, wars, giant spiders on the loose……oh my!
Everybody sees what is going on and are commenting on the sign of the times. Something IS going on!!! Now is the time to get right with God!!!!