1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.

Psalms 73:26 My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

There are many, many scriptures in the bible with “but God”. The Lord wants to make a point about Himself.

My definition of “but” is… something that might be somewhat negative and the “but” puts it in a positive position. It can also say that there is another way… another solution… the possibility of a better outcome. The opposite can be said of the word “but”. When using it in the same sentence of God…it is thought of in an extremely positive way.

 “But God” takes the human limits off God’s abilities. “But God” see’s all possibilities and brings about a sense of peace, trust and expectation of deliverance.

When my kids were little…I heard “but mom” quite often. I can tell you that this was a negative form of the term….because it got on my very last nerve. Aren’t you glad we don’t get on God’s last nerve with our constant crying out to Him? Can I get an Amen here? He wants us to call on Him and count on Him!!!

When you just say…But God….It sounds so and is powerful. There is so much power behind that phrase. I want you to do me a favor…..I want you to say…But God…out loud right now! Go ahead…just say it….say it a few times. Let your ears hear it, let your heart receive it and let your mind remember it.

When things get trying this week…I want you to remember this blog….remember the scriptures above…and draw upon the strength of God’s word. Receive strength to stand against anything the enemy may throw your way.


I’m seeing a vision right now….I see someone walking on a very rocky road. Your ankles are twisting and you’re trying not to fall… and you are stumbling. You are so unsteady. I see you remembering the “but God” and at first you whisper it and as you do you start walking a little steadier. You then start yelling “but God” and I see a hand extend out to you and even though the road is still rough, you are able to keep your balance and walk on. (God is helping you by the power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus Name.)

I feel the Lord is telling me to stop writing now because He just wants you to receive and remember this….”BUT GOD”

Message for today: But God….God can do it….God will do it…Believe it! Receive it!