Throughout my whole life…I have had the same nightmare of somebody chasing me in my dreams.  In fact…I can’t watch any kind of suspense movies.  The few that I have watched with my husband…I closed my eyes and put my fingers in my ears so I can’t see or hear the scary parts until it passes.  Yes…I’m a big chicken when it comes to watching scary movies…so I try not to.

But then…I read this scripture verse and I tell you…it has been such a blessing to me:


Psalms 23:6  Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.


They have the secret service...we have goodness and mercy!

You know… famous people can’t go just anywhere because of impending danger from stalkers and out of control fans so they must have body guards everywhere they go.  All former presidents of the United States have to have the secret service follow them around all the days of their lives…but we are famous too.  We are children of the King and we too have security following us all the days of our lives because of impending danger from the enemy hoping to completely destroy and consume us..  Doesn’t the knowledge of God’s protection and 24 hour security make you feel good?…Hey not just good but….AWESOME!!!

You know I’m always telling you how old I am.  I’m very happy to be alive that long as a cancer survivor…so yes I’m happy to keep saying it.  I’ve been here for 59 years and for 59 years….goodness and mercy has been closely following me.  They used to stay in the background…but one day I needed to see them really bad so I asked them to come around to the front where I could get a good look at them.  You know how when you’re going through stuff you feel alone?  So they revealed themselves to me by the power of the Holy Spirit and my study of God’s word.  Although they still follow me very closely…I feel as if I’m surrounded by them because they are manifested so powerfully in my life.  This goodness and mercy is keeping it…as the song says… WELL WITH MY SOUL!

Oh my goodness!!...I’m being followed by goodness, mercy and Jesus!

Goodness and mercy keeps me from losing my mind in the midst of it all…and you all know I am going through the ALL!  I know there are some folks out there with me in the “all”…Can I get a amen?  Alright now!

But I want to say….I don’t take God’s grace and mercy for granted.  I’m on my face in prayer… grateful and very respectful of this great…great privilege and blessing from God.  This scripture says why:

Psalms 25:10 All the ways of the LORD are loving and faithful for those who keep the demands of his covenant.

If you love God…If you love Jesus…then you will want to keep His commandments and goodness and mercy will follow you.  Be faithful to God and He will 100% be faithful to you!!!!!!  God will never fail you….ever….how can He with a promise such as Psalms 23:6.  The Lord says in His word that… never will He leave us; never will He forsake us.  Forsake means abandon.  God will NEVER abandon us!!

Message for today: God will never abandon us because goodness and mercy are following me and you all the days of our lives. Halleluiah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!